Nana of Alissa and Brody

Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Weekend Started Off Good and Then Well 10-28-07

Friday Morning started off like this with Grandmother falling down which this was not a good thing to happen. She called me because she could not get Miles to answer her and then she called Becky,by the time I got dressed and over there. Miles was in her room and callled 911 to help get her up. They came and picked her up and ask her how she felt and if she needed to go to the hospital and she said I will be alright. They left and she ate breakfast with me and Miles took her med's and went back to bed. Then I went home and got ready for the Dr because I had an appt. for a recheck. Then I came home and we got ready to go and watch Grove play some football but we went to see Rachel in the Homecoming court and she was so pretty but she was cold and Daryl look like he had sunbeams coming off his face he was so proud. After they had said who won me and Kent left the game. On Sat. he fixed some new potato soup and some Mexican corn Bread and we took it over to his Mom's house to eat because she like's Mexican corn Bread. Well we got over there and she was up and ready to eat we thought. But she could not eat alot because she hurt so bad. She told us she did not sleep well at all the night before and she felt like she had broke something. We told her we will call 911 and let an ambulance take you to the hospital and they can check you out and see if anything is broke. Because you are in to much pain not to go. So we took her and found out that she had broke her toe and her Knee so that is why she was hurting so bad. They then started an IV because she had dehydrated and they then went ahead and kept her. We left at 12:30 and came home because my leg's and back sarted hurting me. Then I got and called the kid's after they got of church and let them know what was going on. I called I told my Mom because they new about when she fell Friday and she told me my older sister had the shingles and told my Mom that is what she get's for making fun of people when something is wrong with them. Because what goes around come around! Well Ben and Rachel are in Georgia at the race's and Jo Jo is at work today. April,Jason and Alissa are at there house relaxing today. Well take care and May God Bless.


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