Nana of Alissa and Brody

Monday, March 10, 2008

My Day Today was Tuff

Well to start out with I had to go get my Mom and Dad out of trouble Dad being like a kid and not wanting to get out of her way. She had to call the Dr about my brother and we had to take him in at ll:00 so she was trying to get a bath but Dad would not stay out of the way for her to get one. By the time we did get him out it was to late then for Mom to take a bath. So I told him to get trash cans out of the way so we could leave when I got back but he did not do that. When I got back to the house Mom and my brother were coming out of the house and Dad was on his way out. So I made him move the trash cans out of the way I opened the gate and Mom shut the gate then we left. We got to the Dr,Dad and I parked the car and walked back to the Dr office all he could do was spit so I had to get on to him I know you have to spit he just does it anywhere. So I had to watch him and make sure he spit on the grass and not the side walk. When we got up to the Dr office Mom did not have to sit long thank goodness for small favors. I had to take Dad to the bathroom he kept sneezing and coughing he is sick to he goes to the Dr Thursday with me. I have to have a blood fasting and blood pressure checked the time we have to be there is nine thirty because of me and the blood work. So by the time I deal with him my blood pressure will be real good. Because today when I got home it was 149 0ver 77 which is to high for me. But going what I went through today beside my Mom and Dad was Robin called she had another seizure so she called me I had to get April to take her to the Dr and when I got home with Mom and them I left,ate then went to let April go back to work for the rest of the day. After we left the Dr Robin wanted to get Bill somethings for his B-day this week so we did that and then we went to her house. When I got to her house Bill was asleep because he was sick and we opened the door to Trey's I was shooked because Trey and his new girlfriend was asleep in his bedroom on the bed. The girl raised up and she was clothed and but Trey had his shirt off. I thought to myself this is not right it is all wrong this is where it all starts. But when you have been there once it makes you think about alot of things. But I my way home Robin called and I have to take her to the Dr again because of her seizure med the level is to high. She has her MRI done on the 21st so please keep me and my family in your prayers on this day that everything will be OK for her. May God Bless All, I also have a Great and Wonderful Husband whom I Love Very Much I would not kno What to do Without Him.


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